
Responsible for the content of this website:

Bamatek e.U.

Medical Air Purification

Löwensteinstraße 91

1220 Vienna, Austria

Owner: Mag. (FH) Alexander Badelt


Tel. +43 699 8165 0588

Austrian company register number: 521061t, Court: Handelsgericht Wien
UID Tax Nr.: ATU61927614

Menber of the Chamber of Commerce Vienna, Austria
Industrial representations & Trade

Picture credits

Pictures from: Shutterstock Inc., Virobuster International GmbH, Köhlershohner Straße 60, D-53578 Windhagen

General Terms & Conditions:

Here you can download the General Terms & Conditions of company Bamatek e.U. (current version):

Bamatek General Terms And Conditions.pdf